I have a Samsung smart TV, it can play AAC video format, but only with mp4 container, mkv file format is NOT supported. Here is a simple way to convert them. materials: synology linux 1. create NFS share on Synology Shared Folder > Edit > NFS Permission hostname/IP: 192.168.x.0/24 (allow whole subnet) then press “OK” …
更新了VMware Workstation 11, “View > Autosize > Autofit guest” 沒了. 再安裝VMware Tools (close source) 也不成. (Mint 17) sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools 也不能. 用了幾小時重新安裝vmware workstation, host’s graphic card driver, 還是沒有效用. 打開 synaptic package manager, search “open-vm-tools”. 頂, 原來還有個 GUI 的open-vm-tools-desktop
續篇, 前一篇: Upgrade Mint 14 to Mint 17 (1/2: installation) 1st issue: Theme broken Preference > Apperance > select new theme : e.g. Mint-X 2: pluma error:
run Update Manager 就會冇左65-khmer.conf , 或者 apt-get purge fonts-khmeros-core 3: Panel 自行加入menu icon, unlock panel, 再自己加入 short cut. 由4 workspaces個改做2個 4: gradle version 太舊, 在synaptic package manager 中移除, 再用gvm install Gradle …
Mint 14 (mate) 已經end-of-life, 2個月前更新了工作用的電腦. 現在留下一個記錄. 如果沒有太多customization, 其實直接安裝mint 17 再copy home directory back 比較方便. Reference: http://www.linuxmint.com/oldreleases.php https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases https://gist.github.com/hgomez/7074150 http://www.tecmint.com/upgrade-linux-mint-16-to-linux-mint-17/ Step 1: Backup $ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/sources.list.org 備份home 連同其他有需要directories, mysqldump, CloneZilla image ….etc. Step 2: verify current version
Step 3: mint 14 升級到 mint 17 將code name 改到 17
過程中會有問題要回答, Yes 就可以 例如 “install the package maintainer’s …
Initially found a script to install gradle, but later on found out that script is not required because groovy environment manager can also install gradle.
GVM – Groovy enVironment Manager official webpage: http://gvmtool.net/