Download: Boot images of XPEnoboot DSM 5.2 from Official DSM 5.2 file from Installation: 1. upload XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.2-5565.1-9d792e9.vmdk and XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.2-5565.1-9d792e9-flat.vmdk to datastore via vSphere client 2. Edit the old boot image hard disk to IDE (0:1) 3. Then add a new Hard disk from the image uploaded above, make it as “Nonpersistent” 4. start virtual machine, select …
My installation record. As of today, DSM 5.2 is out. Thanks to XPEnology team, bootloader now support DSM 5.2 Basically follow official documentation: and somebody’s tutorial ESXi (vShpere 6) For me, my iLo web interface does not support after POST (boot up), so I used unetbootin to expand the …
話說 2 月初有日傾盆大雨, 行雷閃電, 屋企20m 內有棵樹被劈中. 當時我不再家中, 但我電腦的底板, NAS (HP N36L)既 火牛, router 其中一個port 壞左, 另外router 有2個port 降到100Mb/s. z77 chipset 既motherboard 香港仲有好多地方有得賣, 但係澳洲已經冇乜, ebay 二手仲有d. 好彩最後Perth 有間小IT 公司仲有last one. 用左唔夠2年唔想咁快換CPU + RAM + motherboard. 強行用唔咁form factor 既火牛”搭橋” 去用N36L, 卒之最近買了HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 G1610T Install VMWare vSphere(ESXi) 6.0, Xpenology (DSM), CentOS 今次應該唔會改咁多DSM, 做返NAS, 最多行git server + LDAP. …