話說之前死趕個project schedule, 做到天昏地暗, 近視都好似深左.
難得今日meeting cut 咁d loading, 冇左priority > 3 既task, 突然好似唔知自己要做d 乜咁,
悶到想死, 又唔想無事搵bug 黎fix, 因為唔可以放入黎緊既release…
下個week 要做既野又要等其他人做完先有 doc 俾我跟…
3點3 去沖柸milk tea, 呵呵, 想到仲有d 野可以做野, 做下做下又做到過左hours
天呀… 我幾時變得咁熱愛工作的?
話說之前死趕個project schedule, 做到天昏地暗, 近視都好似深左.
難得今日meeting cut 咁d loading, 冇左priority > 3 既task, 突然好似唔知自己要做d 乜咁,
悶到想死, 又唔想無事搵bug 黎fix, 因為唔可以放入黎緊既release…
下個week 要做既野又要等其他人做完先有 doc 俾我跟…
3點3 去沖柸milk tea, 呵呵, 想到仲有d 野可以做野, 做下做下又做到過左hours
天呀… 我幾時變得咁熱愛工作的?
Paintball war game today, god, so tired and spend lots of money to refill,
totally spend ~150, fxcking expensive when you think in hk dollars.
get hurt again on left forearm, yet it was great moment I ever had after here.
finally set up samba share in router, transfer files after tidy up.
next target is bt on it, so pc can be shut down
then, perform a feasibility study on itunes streaming server.
reversely plug the power adapter, burn the HD case with firewire,
wtf… I advisedly bought it before I came here….
keyboard is dead, I will never buy a microsoft keyboard again…
As I promise my parents to buy them a new DC (I took the old A620)
as their mother & father days present, they eventually choose Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3,
sigh, LX3 is much better, keep convincing them but they don’t like it….
see a sailing book with discount, 39.95 to 14.99, 60% off drive me to buy it…
well, although Amazon didn’t quote $40 🙂
It should be better if we got this book earlier, those notes is suck anyway
money money money…. where are you….
dam it, 今日打算早點回公司, 點知遇上 suck 塞車, 返到公司泊車又擦花了…
第一次hi 花架車, 雖然唔係d 乜野 dream car, 但都有點心痛
上個weekend 公司包左 corporate box 睇 AFL ,
有d 似rugby 既, 不過係oval shape 既場, 係kick 唔係run to bottom line
係呢度呢人口中既 football ( footy ), 英式足球就係 soccer
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