my record on upgrading from 4.1 to 5.0
Step 1: download gnoboot-alpha10.5
get it on > Downloads > gnoboot-alpha-lastest-mirrorX
extract password: 6n0boot-AlpHaTen.5
Step 2: download DSM 5.0-4458 from Synology website
for release notes or China mirror site, go to
Step 3: download & install Win32DiskImager -> download and install
select the *.img file and destination usb device, then press write.
*-ext2.img if you read/write in linux, otherwise *-vfat.img across multi-platform. -vfat.img modified time looks incorrect, but after image was written, its zImage modified date is 2014-04-04
Step 4: boot-up
(if applicable) connect VGA cable and keyboard to N36L
insert USB drive, boot up N36L (config BIOS if USB not 1st boot device)
select “” in GRUB menu > “gnoboot-5.0-4458”
wait a while until “DiskStation login:” displayed
use Synology Assistant to lookup new IP address, double click to open web interface
Step 5: installation
follow on screen instructions, uploaded the downloaded DSM_DS3612xs_4458.pat
at the end, a warning will be display, about permission or serial number error. ignore it. deal with it after boot up.
Step 6: reboot
this time, select “gnoboot-alpha” on grub
It takes quite a long time for upgrade script to run, be patient and don’t panic.
At this moment, set static IP on router for new MAC address (screen from Synology Assistant)
When “DiskStation login:” displayed, new 5.0 can be used
Step 7: update and grant permission
Control panel >User, grant admin with all read/write access. re-create user if any.
Go to File Station > usbshare1 > boot > grub > meun_alaph.lst , right click, open with Text Editor
change from “kernel /zImage” to “kernel /zImage sn=B3JN12345”
Control panel > Update and restore > Download, click “Download” button
update 2 is important for OpenSSL bug (Heartbleed). Yet, meaningless if it is a home network though
ssh to Diskstation, as root, run
1 2 |
sed 's/flashupdateDeb/flashupdateDeb1/' / > /autoupd@te.info1 mv /autoupd@te.info1 / |
then go back to web interface and click Update once download finished. System will restart
很久也沒有CCTxB 的劇集令我放工回家立刻dl, 跟住送飯.
係唔同既階段, 人生有著更多唔同既經歷, 令人產生共鳴的東西也是不同的.
更何況, 我們都是聽陳奕迅長大的.
The Wolf of Wall Street, 很長, 近3小時.
50% commission can drive people crazy.
Greedy is a motivation.
Agent is really a redundant layer for a transaction, if information is freely and equally obtained by anyone in the world. Inequality comes from unbalanced flow of information.
Everybody’s Got Somebody But me
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