妖….琴晚做到既function ….. 係老細面前demo 就炒粉…激死!!!
走堂既次數多過肥candy tim….. 🙁
宜家係tyw ….好悶的2800 …… 好想返宿訓tim…..
琴日出左mk 買禮物, prepare 左一半啦….. 好彩出左去先…本來打算星期四先出, 但琴晚先有電話打黎話星期四dept 全體相
16個人….冇辦法…..唯有有d 人打今場…..某d 人打後一場……
妖….琴晚做到既function ….. 係老細面前demo 就炒粉…激死!!!
走堂既次數多過肥candy tim….. 🙁
宜家係tyw ….好悶的2800 …… 好想返宿訓tim…..
琴日出左mk 買禮物, prepare 左一半啦….. 好彩出左去先…本來打算星期四先出, 但琴晚先有電話打黎話星期四dept 全體相
16個人….冇辦法…..唯有有d 人打今場…..某d 人打後一場……
put kaXmlOverlap.js and points.xml into the same folder of those js
add this in the index.html
modify the startup.js in function myMapInitialized( eventID, mapName )
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// *_3_ Create a kaXmlOverlay object: myXmlOverlay = new kaXmlOverlay( myKaMap, 250 ); // *_4_ Add some objects on the overlay layer. There are two ways to do that //Call the loadXml method: this method load an XML document from the web server. myXmlOverlay.loadXml('points.xml'); //* _5_ To have a periodic update: myInterval = setInterval("myXmlOverlay.loadXml('xmlget.php')",5000); |
modify the points.xml
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List l = new List("ShuttleQuery",Choice.IMPLICIT) ; l.append("Railway Station",null) ; l.append("U gym",null) ; l.append("HCA",null) ; l.setCommandListener((CommandListener)this) ; display.setCurrent(l); |
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