my record on upgrading from 4.1 to 5.0 reference: Step 1: download gnoboot-alpha10.5 get it on > Downloads > gnoboot-alpha-lastest-mirrorX extract password: 6n0boot-AlpHaTen.5 Step 2: download DSM 5.0-4458 from Synology website for release notes or China mirror site, go to Step 3: download & install Win32DiskImager -> download and install select …
用左spotify 一段日子, 今日突然發現自己冇上網睇野都係有好多connections, 先知原來spotify 會用peer-to-peer 做load balancing. ref:!/article/Listen-offline represent here ~ by Google URL Shortner
Migrage from to 1. backup tar zcvf blog.\bin\date +%Y%m%d.tar.gz blog/ 2. Move mv * ../ 3. edit wp_options table LIKE manually replace to (could be done by sql too, but only couples of entries to modify) 4. change permalinks change from ‘Numeric’ to ‘Day and name’, all links broken, especially from …
quick solutions:- add filter: *_rev09.js$| problem: 閣下正在使用的瀏覽器並不支援本網站, 建議使用 Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome 等瀏覽器來瀏覽本站。 如您已經正在使用上述瀏覽器,則可能是您在瀏覽器內安裝了一些附加元件或擴充功能, 而這些功能並不兼容於本網站,導致問題發生。 建議您移除一些可能會導致問題的附加元件,再重新載入本站。 多謝支持Uwants。 solutions:(source @hkgolden) Preference > add filter > *_rev09.js$| common_rev09.js will detect adblock plus plugin.
星期二晚時間過得特別快, 因為有Chuck + 24 + Heroes + .Big.Bang.Theory thanks to eztv & tpg, super fast to get it, within 1 hour Snow Leopard 一波十折, 由於年老的小黑老黑只是single layer DVD, 不支援 dual-layer, 7.xGB 的dmg file 只好另找方法 在升級10.6 Snow Leopard之前,整理、備份! Upgrade to Snow Leopard without a CD drive? 系統預設的中文字體給換掉 Boot Camp Assistant: “Your startup disk cannot be partitioned…” …
reference: Background: Host: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Guest: ubunut 9.04 64 bit VirtualBox: 3.0.8 (someone report 3.0.10 fail to access raw disk,maybe fix on .11/.12) Harddisk: 4 virtual disks on LSI 8344ELP RAID controller Disk /dev/sda: 42.9 GB, 42949410816 bytes Disk /dev/sdb: 64.4 GB, 64424509440 bytes Disk /dev/sdc: 763.7 GB, … Java Quick Starter (JQS) improves initial startup time for most Java applets and applications. This feature was added to Java in release Java SE 6 update 10 (6u10) and will be available in all future releases. Steps to disable Java Quick Starter: Click Start. Click Control Panel. Double click on Java Control Panel. Click …
因為懷疑 Wireless USB adapter 附送的software 不斷有I/O, (最後證實兇手係jqs.exe) 買了一個wireless router 行wireless bridge mode 取代 usb adapter 條件: 1. 802.11 g / n 2. 有USB port 3. 8 MB flash memory bonus: 1. gigabit ethernet 2. > 32MB ram Linksys WRT350N v1 同 WRT610N 是個很好的選擇, 可惜售價太貴, 所以還是 Asus WL-500W, AUD$109, + $12 shipping [事前必讀] 可到google …
很久沒有blog, 今日中秋節補假進行一次”搬家” 其實都不是搬家, 只係將幾年前blogspot 的entry import 到 wordpress, 再將LifeType 既entry?SQL copy 到?wordpress 雖然呢個default template 有點簡單 (都唔只有點…), 過幾日有時間再搵d template Reference: 從 Blogger 轉移到 WordPress 的技巧 到 WordPress 的 [後台管理] -> [管理] -> [匯入] -> [部落客]。 終於把lifetype 轉成 WordPress 透過sql語法將 資料 新增到 WordPress 資料庫中
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# comment INSERT INTO wp_comments (comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_content, comment_date, comment_date_gmt, comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_author, comment_author_IP) SELECT XXX+id, YYY+article_id, normalized_text, DATE, DATE + INTERVAL - 16 HOUR, user_email, user_url, user_name, client_ip FROM plog_articles_comments # post INTO wp_posts (ID, post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, comment_count) SELECT YYY+id, 2, DATE, DATE + INTERVAL - 16 HOUR, DATE, DATE + INTERVAL - 16 HOUR, num_comments FROM plog_articles UPDATE wp_posts, plog_articles_text SET wp_posts.post_title = plog_articles_text.topic WHERE wp_posts.ID = + YYY UPDATE wp_posts, plog_articles_text SET wp_posts.post_content = plog_articles_text.TEXT WHERE wp_posts.ID = + YYY # fill out guid UPDATE wp_posts SET wp_posts.guid = CONCAT("<a href="" data-mce-href=""></a>", wp_posts.ID) WHERE wp_posts.guid = "" # clean out [@more@] update wp_posts set post_content=replace(post_content,'[@more@]',""); |