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Use Debian chroot instead of ipkg (optware) on DSM 5.0. Here is a installation notes of XPEnology on HP N36L Prerequisite: add custom source: Package Centre > Settings > Package Sources Name: SynoCommunity Location: Readme: Installation: – required python on SynoCommunity, DSM default python not OK. – select Debian Chroot and click install – after …
話說2008 年搬家既時候, 由LifeType upgrade 去WordPress, 因為MySQL database default latin1 既關係, 有很多comment 亂碼. 當時只有文章有backup, comment 已經 dump 左落.sql file, 唔識搞. 最近Google 其他野冇意間見到有關encoding, 終於救返了. ============================== e.g. backup.sql 有鬼畫符的文字:è€è±†ä½ åƒåŠ 電算盃呀???? 1. create database / tables, default collation utf8_generic_ci 2. import data
1 |
$ mysql -u user -ppassword < backup.sql |
3. export again as latin1
1 |
$ mysqldump -u user -ppassword -B dbName --tables plog_articles_comments --default-character-set=latin1 > comments-latin1.sql |
4. replace all “latin1” to “utf8”
1 2 |
cp comments-latin1.sql comments-utf8.sql sed -i -e "s/latin1/utf8/g" comments-utf8.sql |
5. final import back …
雖然 Synolocker threat 唔影響 DSM 5.0, 以防萬一都係upgrade 左隱陣d 臺灣出現NAS勒索軟體災情,群暉證實舊版DSM漏洞釀災 Synology Advise Users of SynoLocker Ransomware Step 1: download download Nano-Boot (DSM 5.0-4493) from download DSM 5.0-4493 from official website (direct link) download DSM 5.0-4493 update 3 from 其他 mirror sites: ukdl.synology | Step 2: write image to USB 打開 Win32DiskImager, select …
updated on 2014-08-10: ignore & don’t use ipkg. it’s gone after upgrade and packages too old. I used Debian-Chroot from custom package provider instead DSM: Package Centre > Settings > Package Sources Name: SynoCommunity Location: ————————————– I am using HP N36L (AMD CPU), here just a record of my installation process. First things first, readings:,_bootstrap,_ipkg_etc#How_to_install_ipkg … 主要功能: • 在主螢幕上顯示 Google 即時資訊:及時取得個人所需資訊,便利程度更勝以往。 • 直接說出「Ok Google」:您只要在主螢幕上說出「Ok Google」啟動語音輸入,隨後即可接著說出搜尋查詢,或是對手機下達操作指令,例如傳送簡訊、規劃路線或播放歌曲。 • 加快搜尋速度:輕按搜尋框便可立即輸入查詢。 • 輕鬆存取您愛用的 Google 產品和服務,例如 Gmail、YouTube 和地圖。 • 加大檢視區域:狀態列和導覽列現已設計成半透明狀態,讓桌布的顯示效果更加清晰,即使展開應用程式導覽匣 (如果裝置支援的話),仍可看見桌布。 • 簡單易用的桌布挑選器:您可以選擇儲存在裝置或雲端上的任何圖片,然後調整位置並預覽畫面,最後再設為桌布。 Some commands: General Commands “Search for [chicken recipes]?” “Say [where is the supermarket] in [Spanish]?” “What is [Schrodinger’s cat]?” “Who invented [the internet]?” “What is the meaning of [life]?” “Who is …
For some business reasons, company provides FortiGate SSL VPN to connect office network, but some subnet cannot be accessed due to route did not add automatically. here is a PowerShell script to find the gateway and interface of VPN connection then add route. It will be great if I can find out how to run …
Windows 7 default with PowerShell 2.0, when I downloaded “Windows Management Framework 4.0 “, installed and reboot then update failure, Error Code: 8004402F . it is due to temp directory on my system environment pointing to Ram Disk…. Turn off Ram disk, set TEMP back to somewhere with physical disk. M$, you win….. solution source …
Testing phase 完左到deployment phase, 又未開始另一個sprint, 今日有點時間, 清理返D documentation. 其中一個幾悶既task, 要填返 ISO 9001 Quality Management D suppliers, 搵返D 用左邊D external libraries 既name, description & evidence. 不過其中一個javascript 既plugin html5shiv, 搵evidence 時無意中見到 responsive images, picture element specification finalized and updated on WHATWG, W3C HTML 5.1 Nightly draft included too. Demo: reference:
I keeps downloading ebook and mostly IT related PDFs, after all these years it becomes hard to manage. Google a while and find this open source application is quite useful to me. Download and install from the official website Edit the library folders, books will copy to this folder and stored under specified naming …