話說 2 月初有日傾盆大雨, 行雷閃電, 屋企20m 內有棵樹被劈中. 當時我不再家中, 但我電腦的底板, NAS (HP N36L)既 火牛, router 其中一個port 壞左, 另外router 有2個port 降到100Mb/s. z77 chipset 既motherboard 香港仲有好多地方有得賣, 但係澳洲已經冇乜, ebay 二手仲有d. 好彩最後Perth 有間小IT 公司仲有last one. 用左唔夠2年唔想咁快換CPU + RAM + motherboard. 強行用唔咁form factor 既火牛”搭橋” 去用N36L, 卒之最近買了HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 G1610T Install VMWare vSphere(ESXi) 6.0, Xpenology (DSM), CentOS 今次應該唔會改咁多DSM, 做返NAS, 最多行git server + LDAP. …
Dam Windows 7, 不知名既情況下得返1GB free space, 隻120GB SSD 唔夠用. 打算入手 Samsung 850 EVO 500GB, 最近降價到USD179 開了個 Amazon Associate account, 唔知咁樣work 唔work.
話說2008 年搬家既時候, 由LifeType upgrade 去WordPress, 因為MySQL database default latin1 既關係, 有很多comment 亂碼. 當時只有文章有backup, comment 已經 dump 左落.sql file, 唔識搞. 最近Google 其他野冇意間見到有關encoding, 終於救返了. ============================== e.g. backup.sql 有鬼畫符的文字:è€è±†ä½ åƒåŠ 電算盃呀???? 1. create database / tables, default collation utf8_generic_ci 2. import data
1 |
$ mysql -u user -ppassword < backup.sql |
3. export again as latin1
1 |
$ mysqldump -u user -ppassword -B dbName --tables plog_articles_comments --default-character-set=latin1 > comments-latin1.sql |
4. replace all “latin1” to “utf8”
1 2 |
cp comments-latin1.sql comments-utf8.sql sed -i -e "s/latin1/utf8/g" comments-utf8.sql |
5. final import back …
Captain America: The Winter Solider
今早回到公司, 係pantry有個強國同事問我知唔知雲南地震. 其實我係有D 老派, 我lunch time 有時間就睇下appledaily 個apps, 放工回家or 臨訓係床上先掃下副刊財經港聞. instant news 反而係fb news feed. 突發野朋友間share / like 已經會知道. 今晚回家後再check 多一次news feed, 高雄有朋友RIP, 雲南真係冇, 唔知係因為強國天災人禍太多已經麻目, 又或者係fb 白痴既filter 冇display 個d 相關news feed. 不過強國咁勁, 抄左周老虎家都夠震災有突, 而且他們相信災難興邦, 又實在沒有什麼好擔心的.
I keeps downloading ebook and mostly IT related PDFs, after all these years it becomes hard to manage. Google a while and find this open source application is quite useful to me. http://calibre-ebook.com Download and install from the official website Edit the library folders, books will copy to this folder and stored under specified naming …
好日都唔會check 下log, 今日心血來潮睇下 logwatch 既email 發現今個月有幾次 php 既error… A total of 1 possible successful probes were detected (the following URLs contain strings that match one or more of a listing of strings that indicate a possible exploit): shock…. immediately upgrade to latest version and all plugins… well the major issue depends on repository which I can’t fix …
很久也沒有CCTxB 的劇集令我放工回家立刻dl, 跟住送飯. 係唔同既階段, 人生有著更多唔同既經歷, 令人產生共鳴的東西也是不同的. 更何況, 我們都是聽陳奕迅長大的. The Wolf of Wall Street, 很長, 近3小時. 50% commission can drive people crazy. Greedy is a motivation. Agent is really a redundant layer for a transaction, if information is freely and equally obtained by anyone in the world. Inequality comes from unbalanced flow of information. …
After 9 season, HIMYM finale, actually it is how I meet your “step mother” 🙂 well, everything has a beginning has an end. Started Breaking Bad Season 1, wow, pretty strong TV show. Oblivion nice CG and cool chopper