reference: Background: Host: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Guest: ubunut 9.04 64 bit VirtualBox: 3.0.8 (someone report 3.0.10 fail to access raw disk,maybe fix on .11/.12) Harddisk: 4 virtual disks on LSI 8344ELP RAID controller Disk /dev/sda: 42.9 GB, 42949410816 bytes Disk /dev/sdb: 64.4 GB, 64424509440 bytes Disk /dev/sdc: 763.7 GB, …
每月從乞衣兜搶走我的人工扣除20元的social club終於有活動~~ whale watching 自問從沒有暈船, saling 都冇問題, 應不用事前食藥. 結果…在broadwater 沒有問題, 到pacific ocean 開始覺得有點冷 搵到whale 停船, 盪下盪下就嘔了….. 要船隻開始行駛才沒有暈船, 臭大了…. 幸好看到 whale 由於攜眷活動(family members/ partner), 我”隻身附會”實在不化算, 這些支出實在不應該替公司節省, 理論上我出20公司出20…. 可惜 Elvie 唔近GC, 扮partner 用返夠個quota. 諸事不順, 郁悶非常… 計畫總是跟不上變化
近期由於病患, 故此甚少更新. 經著名精神科醫生Dr. S Chan 自我診斷為 社交恐懼症 病徵是臉紅、發抖、異常冒汗、心跳加速、心悸、輕微頭痛, 長時間的把自己關在家裡孤立自己 最近每個星期開會都係重複般, 總覺得自己的進度得慢 但上司卻說我做得幾快, 有時比他做得更快 或許這都係東西文化差異 外國人普遍係正面評價, 比較ego, 自信有能力做好手頭上的事情吧. 關注物業市場中, 租屋一般要200-300 per week mortgage 大約 $350-400, 但未計 body crop., council fee, bills.. etc 而且是一輩子的 debt…但pay rent 即是替人家供樓…. 什麼選擇才是最好的……
六月很快又過了… 呢個月上司返左 UK 2 個weeks, 通常呢, 出事既時候都係相關既人行開左, 係呢段時間非常掛住我呢個上司 🙂 下旬就係production push 既日子, 今次因為唔再係6:00pm 先開始, 所係由 10:00 am – 8:00 pm 順風順水咁搞掂 個 SCBCD 既試, 唉, 有點 shame, 自己其實未讀曬, (懶+考試先黎OT) 只係個 mock 太勁, 91% pass, 個officer 話 well done, 仲問我係咪好努力, 我唯有話 係呀係呀….. 買左 xbox 360, 呢2個weekend 就沈迷左係 Call of duty 4 既世界..
There is insufficient information for AsyncWeb (subproject of Mina) on internet, what I need is simulating a web services that reply in various seconds for load testing. the following code may not be correct, some wiered debug message… and I just depressed it by Mostly follow the lightweight example of AsyncWeb, the eclipse project …
今個月既expenditure 嚴重超支, 下個月又要俾 vehicle registration fee, 雖然 AUD 近日回升得幾勁, 不過我既支出都係 AUD, 物價又唔見得平左…. EB games 出左個 promotion, 當然又俾班同事說我買, 仲專登send 另一個 jb hi-fi deal 俾我 今日走左去 helensvale 問, 冇貨, 哈哈, 都好, 有藉口唔買 ~~~ 之前有個調查話 australia 係最多人買console (inc. xbox/ps3/wii) 既地方, 應該都係, 係屋企打機唔使使咁多錢, 好過出街 🙂 星期五去左另一個同事屋企玩 poker, 第一次去到 palm beach 咁南, burleigh waters 已經夠遠, 要45mins 先返到office, 我就真係唔ok 啦… 不過間屋有泳池 …
話說之前死趕個project schedule, 做到天昏地暗, 近視都好似深左. 難得今日meeting cut 咁d loading, 冇左priority > 3 既task, 突然好似唔知自己要做d 乜咁, 悶到想死, 又唔想無事搵bug 黎fix, 因為唔可以放入黎緊既release… 下個week 要做既野又要等其他人做完先有 doc 俾我跟… 3點3 去沖柸milk tea, 呵呵, 想到仲有d 野可以做野, 做下做下又做到過左hours 天呀… 我幾時變得咁熱愛工作的?
Paintball war game today, god, so tired and spend lots of money to refill, totally spend ~150, fxcking expensive when you think in hk dollars. get hurt again on left forearm, yet it was great moment I ever had after here. finally set up samba share in router, transfer files after tidy up. next target …
代表我的…..應該只有月亮 dam it, 今日打算早點回公司, 點知遇上 suck 塞車, 返到公司泊車又擦花了… 第一次hi 花架車, 雖然唔係d 乜野 dream car, 但都有點心痛 上個weekend 公司包左 corporate box 睇 AFL , 有d 似rugby 既, 不過係oval shape 既場, 係kick 唔係run to bottom line 係呢度呢人口中既 football ( footy ), 英式足球就係 soccer
These days has lot of idea but there is no execution plan, well, that mean “blow water” only Use ActiveSync in iPhone to connect company exchange last week, but the battery use up v. quick good excuse to avoid reading email on weekend 😛 for people who got Canon G10, please visit about work, …