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jQuery.fn.rotate = function(angle,whence) { var p = this.get(0); // we store the angle inside the image tag for persistence if (!whence) { p.angle = ((p.angle==undefined?0:p.angle) + angle) % 360; } else { p.angle = angle; } if (p.angle >= 0) { var rotation = Math.PI * p.angle / 180; } else { var rotation = Math.PI * (360+p.angle) / 180; } var costheta = Math.cos(rotation); var sintheta = Math.sin(rotation); if (document.all && !window.opera) { var canvas = document.createElement('img'); canvas.src = p.src; canvas.height = p.height; canvas.width = p.width; canvas.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11="+costheta+",M12="+(-sintheta)+",M21="+sintheta+",M22="+costheta+",SizingMethod='auto expand')"; } else { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); if (!p.oImage) { canvas.oImage = new Image(); // assigning following parameters to fix jquery-rotate.1-1 bug on FF2 canvas.oImage = p; canvas.oImage.src = p.src; canvas.oImage.width = p.width; canvas.oImage.height = p.height; //end of modified } else { canvas.oImage = p.oImage; } canvas.style.width = canvas.width = Math.abs(costheta*canvas.oImage.width) + Math.abs(sintheta*canvas.oImage.height); canvas.style.height = canvas.height = Math.abs(costheta*canvas.oImage.height) + Math.abs(sintheta*canvas.oImage.width); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.save(); if (rotation <= Math.PI/2) { context.translate(sintheta*canvas.oImage.height,0); } else if (rotation <= Math.PI) { context.translate(canvas.width,-costheta*canvas.oImage.height); } else if (rotation <= 1.5*Math.PI) { context.translate(-costheta*canvas.oImage.width,canvas.height); } else { context.translate(0,-sintheta*canvas.oImage.width); } context.rotate(rotation); context.drawImage(canvas.oImage, 0, 0, canvas.oImage.width, canvas.oImage.height); context.restore(); } canvas.id = p.id; canvas.angle = p.angle; p.parentNode.replaceChild(canvas, p); } jQuery.fn.rotateRight = function(angle) { this.rotate(angle==undefined?90:angle); } jQuery.fn.rotateLeft = function(angle) { this.rotate(angle==undefined?-90:-angle); } |