updated on 2014-08-10: ignore & don’t use ipkg. it’s gone after upgrade and packages too old. I used Debian-Chroot from custom package provider instead DSM: Package Centre > Settings > Package Sources Name: SynoCommunity Location: https://synocommunity.com/packages ————————————– I am using HP N36L (AMD CPU), here just a record of my installation process. First things first, readings: http://forum.synology.com/wiki/index.php/Overview_on_modifying_the_Synology_Server,_bootstrap,_ipkg_etc#How_to_install_ipkg …
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# create new directory and cd in single command function mkdircd () { mkdir -p "$@" && eval cd "\"\$$#\""; } # ssh to remote host and go to directory function sshcd () { ssh username@"$@" -t "cd /path/dir1/dir2/ ; \$SHELL -l"; } ALL_HOSTS="hostname1 hostname2 hostname3" for AHOST in $ALL_HOSTS do alias ssh2"$AHOST"="sshcd $AHOST " done |
create/insert to .bashrc
1 2 3 |
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then . ~/.bash_aliases fi |
Then $ source ~/.bash_aliases , $ ssh2hostname1 should go there directly if ssh without password configured.
Initially found a script to install gradle, but later on found out that script is not required because groovy environment manager can also install gradle.
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#!/bin/bash # installs to /opt/gradle # existing versions are not overwritten/deleted # seamless upgrades/downgrades # $GRADLE_HOME points to latest *installed* (not released) gradle_version=1.12 gradle_path=~/gradle wget -N http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-${gradle_version}-all.zip -P /tmp/ sudo unzip -q /tmp/gradle-${gradle_version}-all.zip -d ${gradle_path} sudo ln -sfn gradle-${gradle_version} ${gradle_path}/gradle sudo printf "export GRADLE_HOME=${gradle_path}/gradle/\nexport PATH=\$PATH:\$GRADLE_HOME/bin" > /etc/profile.d/gradle.sh . /etc/profile.d/gradle.sh # check installation gradle -v |
GVM – Groovy enVironment Manager official webpage: http://gvmtool.net/
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## install gvm $ curl -s get.gvmtool.net | bash ## isstall groovy on default version $ gvm install groovy ## see avaliable version of gradle $ gvm list gradle $ gvm install gradle 1.12 ## verify $ gvm current Using: gradle: 1.12 groovy: 2.3.6 |
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.launcher&hl=zh-HK 主要功能: • 在主螢幕上顯示 Google 即時資訊:及時取得個人所需資訊,便利程度更勝以往。 • 直接說出「Ok Google」:您只要在主螢幕上說出「Ok Google」啟動語音輸入,隨後即可接著說出搜尋查詢,或是對手機下達操作指令,例如傳送簡訊、規劃路線或播放歌曲。 • 加快搜尋速度:輕按搜尋框便可立即輸入查詢。 • 輕鬆存取您愛用的 Google 產品和服務,例如 Gmail、YouTube 和地圖。 • 加大檢視區域:狀態列和導覽列現已設計成半透明狀態,讓桌布的顯示效果更加清晰,即使展開應用程式導覽匣 (如果裝置支援的話),仍可看見桌布。 • 簡單易用的桌布挑選器:您可以選擇儲存在裝置或雲端上的任何圖片,然後調整位置並預覽畫面,最後再設為桌布。 Some commands: General Commands “Search for [chicken recipes]?” “Say [where is the supermarket] in [Spanish]?” “What is [Schrodinger’s cat]?” “Who invented [the internet]?” “What is the meaning of [life]?” “Who is …
今早回到公司, 係pantry有個強國同事問我知唔知雲南地震. 其實我係有D 老派, 我lunch time 有時間就睇下appledaily 個apps, 放工回家or 臨訓係床上先掃下副刊財經港聞. instant news 反而係fb news feed. 突發野朋友間share / like 已經會知道. 今晚回家後再check 多一次news feed, 高雄有朋友RIP, 雲南真係冇, 唔知係因為強國天災人禍太多已經麻目, 又或者係fb 白痴既filter 冇display 個d 相關news feed. 不過強國咁勁, 抄左周老虎家都夠震災有突, 而且他們相信災難興邦, 又實在沒有什麼好擔心的.
1. remove some text on file name of all files: e.g. “TVBOXNOW ”
1 |
ls | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.name -replace "TVBOXNOW ", "" } |
2. move up one level of files in each directory, e.g. c:\folder1\folder2\file3 to c:\folder1\file3
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$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse "c:\folder1" | where {$_.PSIScontainer -eq $false} foreach ($file in $files) { $destinationFolder = Split-Path -Parent $file.Directory.FullName move-item $file.FullName $destinationFolder } |
3. Remove files by extension for all subdirectories: e.g. .url / .nfo
1 |
Get-ChildItem -File -Include *.url,*.nfo -Recurse | foreach ($_) {Remove-Item $_.FullName} |
4. see unique file extension in all subdirectories
1 |
Get-Childitem -File -Recurse | Select-Object Extension -Unique |
5. file name format: xxxx.2013.zzzz, …
For some business reasons, company provides FortiGate SSL VPN to connect office network, but some subnet cannot be accessed due to route did not add automatically. here is a PowerShell script to find the gateway and interface of VPN connection then add route. It will be great if I can find out how to run …