Windows 7 default with PowerShell 2.0, when I downloaded “Windows Management Framework 4.0 “, installed and reboot then update failure, Error Code: 8004402F . it is due to temp directory on my system environment pointing to Ram Disk…. Turn off Ram disk, set TEMP back to somewhere with physical disk. M$, you win….. solution source …
Testing phase 完左到deployment phase, 又未開始另一個sprint, 今日有點時間, 清理返D documentation. 其中一個幾悶既task, 要填返 ISO 9001 Quality Management D suppliers, 搵返D 用左邊D external libraries 既name, description & evidence. 不過其中一個javascript 既plugin html5shiv, 搵evidence 時無意中見到 responsive images, picture element specification finalized and updated on WHATWG, W3C HTML 5.1 Nightly draft included too. Demo: reference:
I keeps downloading ebook and mostly IT related PDFs, after all these years it becomes hard to manage. Google a while and find this open source application is quite useful to me. Download and install from the official website Edit the library folders, books will copy to this folder and stored under specified naming …
好日都唔會check 下log, 今日心血來潮睇下 logwatch 既email 發現今個月有幾次 php 既error… A total of 1 possible successful probes were detected (the following URLs contain strings that match one or more of a listing of strings that indicate a possible exploit): shock…. immediately upgrade to latest version and all plugins… well the major issue depends on repository which I can’t fix …