There is insufficient information for AsyncWeb (subproject of Mina) on internet, what I need is simulating a web services that reply in various seconds for load testing. the following code may not be correct, some wiered debug message… and I just depressed it by Mostly follow the lightweight example of AsyncWeb, the eclipse project …
今個月既expenditure 嚴重超支, 下個月又要俾 vehicle registration fee, 雖然 AUD 近日回升得幾勁, 不過我既支出都係 AUD, 物價又唔見得平左…. EB games 出左個 promotion, 當然又俾班同事說我買, 仲專登send 另一個 jb hi-fi deal 俾我 今日走左去 helensvale 問, 冇貨, 哈哈, 都好, 有藉口唔買 ~~~ 之前有個調查話 australia 係最多人買console (inc. xbox/ps3/wii) 既地方, 應該都係, 係屋企打機唔使使咁多錢, 好過出街 🙂 星期五去左另一個同事屋企玩 poker, 第一次去到 palm beach 咁南, burleigh waters 已經夠遠, 要45mins 先返到office, 我就真係唔ok 啦… 不過間屋有泳池 …