HanG321 Blog

Java Quick Starter


Java Quick Starter (JQS) improves initial startup time for most Java applets and applications. This feature was added to Java in release Java SE 6 update 10 (6u10) and will be available in all future releases.

Steps to disable Java Quick Starter:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Double click on Java Control Panel.
  4. Click Advance tab in Java Control Panel.
  5. Scroll to Miscellaneous entry and Expand.
  6. Uncheck the check box for Java Quick Starter.
  7. Click Ok and restart the system.

呢個 evil 既 jqs.exe 只會影響 winxp /win2000 既users, 因為vista 已經有pre-loading mechanism
用java 做development 時完全唔覺得 load 個 eclipse 會快d …
但好多時屋企pc 唔係做野但不停 pre-fetch 做 I/O 同send data 出internet ,
仲要唔知點解同唔知send 去邊 (雖然我冇查清楚….)
總之就係佢 trigger wg111v2.exe (wireless usb 既 software) 而令到我誤會個software 寫得唔好, 有咁多I/O

6u10 係 Oct 15, 2008 relase