好耐都冇寫野, 咁岩matthew send 左林狗既youtube 片, blogging 睇落好似係將自己既野同陌生人分享, 不過我又唔會將d “不能說的秘密” post 係度 ~~ 跟本就唔存在偷窺/被偷窺的關係… 上星期五結束了第一份full time 的工作, dup 左4 pages 咁多既handover document, 算係仁置義盡吧…. 整日都係度tidy up d documents / files, 只係空左3GB 咁d 多 …long way to fix 是夜還有羽毛球活動, eric + yupo + terry 購置了一塊羽毛球拍, 可見的將來應該有不少用得著既機會吧 ~ Terry 左右開弓的絕技實在令人…… 終於都開始 trailwalker 既training, 最簡單的第9&10 段, 3.5hrs 由大帽山高速落到去掃管笏村, 又要就大家返工, 又要就我約左人食飯 …
http://www.ipcop.org/ http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_linux_firewall_ipcop http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_linux_firewall_ipcop_p2?s=6cc84678b74d0fbf939f3a371c59e028& http://thinkhole.org/wp/2006/03/28/ipcop-openvpn-howto http://www.zerina.de/zerina/?q=documentation/howtorw-step1 http://www.smokinggun.de/?p=78 run vmware-config.pl to identify which vmnet 0/2 is bridge to eth0/1 for me, vmnet0 bridge to eth1, vmnet2 bridge to eth0 coz ethernet card inside vm are same name …. AMD PCnet xxxxx 1st ethernet in vm setting should be green
http://mysql.chinahtml.com/2005/1125321683.shtml MySQL — inline edit chinese character 1. stop MySQL service 2. open my.ini 3. change default-character-set of [mysqld] and [client] as utf8 4. launch mysql 5. create table as default or select tuf8 6. enjoy ~