HanG321 Blog



一個未能解決的case …. 由過年拖到宜家…
始終未有 100% 既證據證明係我地既bug ….反之…佢地都俾唔到足夠料我去prove…
要log, send 一堆file 但冇用的…冇turn on debug mode 的…send 俾我做乜!!
今日仲要send 封email 黎

“i think we have spent a lot of time to assist to help you here and recommend that you should take this forward from here with your test plan etc….”

天呀…..而家係邊個幫邊個呀 ?! 幫你trace 埋log, 俾埋suggestion, 寫埋test plan, 教你開debug mode……
激死 !! 好心冇好報 !!!

先有例入傷兵名單, 過兩日打的出荃灣睇跌打…遇上十五先啟市. waste $$
係青衣睇.. 又遇著 1:00 – 3:00 休息 …
不過我都好唔客氣推門入去, 都2:45 lor, 訓少 陣午睡 ~~
電腦又神奇地boot 唔著…. 重插一次又得返….
六合彩一個字都唔中 ~~ 要機位又冇…….
連申請google adsense 都reject (理由係網頁未完成…)
唉…… 投降 ~~