應該搞掂個directory service 掛…. 希望明天test 埋..冇bug ~~ 經過今晚…有bug既話… hide 左佢就算….. 我自己寫既code 都覺得難trace, tutor 都唔會用心trace 啦~~ demo 好好睇睇就可以…….
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// try to put the storageList to the JVM, // then access by other servlet/JSP using same JVM System.getProperties().put(key, object); //other class Object o = (Object) System.getProperties().get(key); //own opinion: dirty hack and quite unsecured |
418 比預計用多一日 >_< …..明天再投入 fyp report ….. 沙拉姐果然強勁… 已經print 得… 果然係屈機系其中一員 🙂 成個中大到好靜………..突然想返屋企 tim……