仲有一科 jar ~~ 聽日搞掂埋3180 project ,
就可以”明正言順”咁抖下啦~~ hehe, 當然, 呢幾日都有渣攤 ~~
明晚去唔到 蜻蜓”箭”行晚宴…..冇法, 3180 都唔知趕唔趕到….
唉o也…. 唔記得帶個 backpack 返黎…. sigh ~ so sorry….
要問雨寶傳受”單挑”絕技先得 🙂
A short form for weblog, a personal journal published on the Web. Blogs frequently include philosophical reflections, opinions on the Internet and social issues, and provide a “log” of the author’s favorite web links.