HanG321 Blog

FYP 題目

出左下年 FYP (major) 既題目….其實都冇乜好topic….
肯定多人buy 個幾個topic….好多uncertainty….

好….上8:30 堂, 訓…

1. LYU0502
Title: Museum Multilingual Guidance System (MGS) over 3G Network
Supervisor: Prof. LYU Rung Tsong Michael
2. EB0503
Title: Visualization of Security Incident
Supervisor: Prof. BANIASSAD Elisa
3. LXU0502
Title: Adaptive financial trading system
Supervisor: Prof. XU Lei
4. EB0502
Title: Open Source Development Study
Supervisor: Prof. BANIASSAD Elisa
5. LHF0504
Title: Normalization of Security Knowledge Base
Supervisor: Prof. LEUNG Ho Fung
reserve: KAN0501
Title: e-Learning system for Project based Learning in Secondary and Primary Schools (I)
Supervisor: Prof. KAN Wing Kay