原來我都係一個白痴……. 高估了那protected function…. 也好, 是時候狠狠地delete 了, 留下來也沒有意思 實在係分身不下……加上能力有限….. 不是有心缺席….. 2個小時的活動, 不停的來回跑動, 用盡了力氣, 出了一身汗. 反而有種重生的感覺, 好fresh 呢~~~~ postback 之後冇左個value …. 唔知點…….最後還是放係 session 度算數…….. 應該有更好的方法…….. 覆我mail 啦….開返個 db connection 啦…..唔想拖啦…早點ko 佢 k800i 開價$49xx , 太貴lu ~~ 等下先lor, 都唔急既 ~~ R 大大都未換, 我又點敢換wor XDDDD
星期日同 rex 預祝生日, wish cafe, MK body shop 對面, 19 個人包場, 三代同堂聚. 野食一般啦, 包 2 drinks, 埋單$100, 又冇限時, 呢點ok 架. 不過有3 個人order 左 1 柸 only, 埋單話我地 order 左39 柸….. 話要收我地錢, 都打算毫俾佢, staff 又話要”解決”….. 搞到薑曬 ….. 我地組 compare 其他組已經好好, 有咁多次組聚, 仲可以3 代添…… 玩唔玩得埋真係人夾人架ja ~~ 唔好唔開心啦, 你已經出左好多力去融合佢地…. 這兩晚睡得不好, 我雙眼望住雞丁, 佢四隻眼咁望返我…….. 翻開了些舊照片、本子看看………………. 除左睇 domino 既doc 之外, 還想看看 620, scjp, ajax, asp.net, jboss…….. 真貪心….哪有這麼多時間….. 今天 shuffle 到一首由eason 扮譚詠麟唱既歌 ~~
The upgrade of any Domino server needs to be organized task. You should have a checklist for the upgrade and a predefined upgrade sequence. At a high level, the recommended upgrade sequence is: 1. Domino Administration Client for all your administrators involved in the upgrading project 2. Domino Directory design 3. Domino Administration servers 4. Hubs servers 5. Spoke servers a. Mail servers b. Application servers c. Web servers 6. Notes Clients 7. Mail template and application designs By upgrading servers before clients, and clients before applications, you minimize disruption to users and business activities. With this approach, users will not see any Notes/Domino 6 features until their clients can utilize them; and conversely, users will not attempt to take advantage of Notes/Domino 6 features until their servers can handle them. However, your infrastructure, as well as your administrators, are able to take advantage of the Domino 6 features and functionality.