星期二晚時間過得特別快, 因為有Chuck + 24 + Heroes + .Big.Bang.Theory thanks to eztv & tpg, super fast to get it, within 1 hour Snow Leopard 一波十折, 由於年老的小黑老黑只是single layer DVD, 不支援 dual-layer, 7.xGB 的dmg file 只好另找方法 在升級10.6 Snow Leopard之前,整理、備份!http://www.macuknow.com/node/1696 Upgrade to Snow Leopard without a CD drive?http://superuser.com/questions/35108/upgrade-to-snow-leopard-without-a-cd-drive 系統預設的中文字體給換掉 http://www.macuknow.com/node/1716 Boot Camp Assistant: “Your startup disk cannot be partitioned…” Use iDefrag (google it) How-To Extract the Boot Camp Drivers from the Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard DMG http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?s=b37944dc68dd657b4e015a5e73cc068a&showtopic=71519&view=findpost&p=1166208
spend lots of money last friday, feel good when you purchase something, but feeling bad when you look into your bank statement. received first electricity bill, expensvie than expected, only few nights turn on A/C, wondering why heaps of kWh used… another funny thing, inc. albulance charge…. can’t sleep these days, must be excited becuase of go back to home town. lay on back for 1.5 hrs still awake mentally, maybe adapting HK timezone 🙂 upgrade my MacBook to Snow leopard, never expected spend so much time on it. sucking in backup, partition, fail to create bootcamp, need iDefrag, create bootcamp again, still fail, reboot, suddenly able to create bootcamp partition. setting up working environment, so as to work remotely if any emergency situtaion happen, although there is not much chance for that. also setting up Dreamweaver / Photoshop stuff, that will be fun. having a beer now, hope that help to get into sleep. OMG, disk error during installing of WinXP… Thinking about gift, usually buy it because of travel, but now, I am going home …. and HK can buy anything
Embarrassing. 小弟好歹也算是IT界, 居然做左免費wifi 一陣子, 可能是片刻到最多兩星期. 打開management page 見到一部 hostname: lyle-PC (MAC address start with: 00-1C-BF, intel chipset) check 過disable broadcast SSID, enable WPA2, MAC address white list, (得iphone會用到wifi) 唔明白如何進入我的network 而Dlink 會assgin IP…. anyway, 改ssid, password, reduce antenna power to 25%, 即刻save & reboot, 然後這個星期每天都check 一次, 不再見到lyle-PC……. 難道一開始set 完security 冇reboot? 唔會掛…. 我都幾肯定我有按…….