唉…….. 唔止香港地震……個project 都係大地震…… 這2 天….唔係俾人”卒”, 就係待在client 機上做installation, helpdesk support, change user profile…….. 全日坐係位既時間都2個hrs ~ sit 左幾日會….大佬們的表達技巧…….勁……. 昨晚還說五天工作的好, 估不到報應來得這麼快….sat 要OT
www.myhome.hk 2GB file sharing for HK IP address. FTP and web-base interface colleague introduce, I guess it is a temp promotion only and won;t last long ~~
返左去食宵, 見返好多hallmate, 好開心好開心~~~ hehe, 不過有幾個見到一時叫唔出佢地個名…. 過後先recall 到… 我要加 ram 啦….. 如果唔多野做就好….請日no pay leave, 今夜返去玩一晚, 聽日去 google 個talk ~ so perfect !!! 不過就係搞唔掂…..十個茶煲7個蓋…….聽日仲要返早1hr ….