2007年第一個工作天….. 搭lift既時候仲同自己講, 新一年希望有個好開始. 點知坐低唔夠一個hr 就有大獲…… 一部 mail server domino directory corrupt, 開唔到…. 另一部 cluster 既 router task 又死左….. 總之就係send 唔到email 出街……但又唔關光纜事…… 全日都係上ibm, goole 搵solution, fix, technote, forum …… 妖…….原來就係唔知邊幾個死人頭一封email send 百幾個recipient ……最勁個個係 500個email address……汗…. 唔搵都唔知原來會做左 dispatch 先transfer….. 可能就係dispatch 炒左…queue 左 二千幾封mail ~~ hehe, 請人其實都真係要幾有學問…. HR 係一間大公司真係好重要…. 個個見工一定會話自己識乜乜, 識物物…. 唉….一出事就現曬型 🙂 H: “不如你send 個 log 俾我望望 ” B: “下? 我都話send 唔到email 出去wor, 點send 俾你? ” H: “我諗你有 gmail, yahoo, hotmail 掛……” B: “你remote 入黎debug 啦” H: “冇問題, IP 係 ?” B: “172.19.x.x” H(大汗…): “唔好玩啦…. router 派既internal ip.. 我點入到黎wor” B: “咁你 VPN 入黎啦” H: “我又唔係你地D staff….. 邊可能 vpn 到….而且仲會放左right 俾我…..” B: “點樣test 去smtp gateway?” H(唔知添..被拋了..): “等等…試試先 (google 中….) ok, 係咁既..telnet xxx.com 25 [enter] helo yyy.com [enter]…..” B: “下…咁長 ? 等等….我轉頭call 你….” H(早之叫你自己google) 我諗佢人工係我 1.5 ~ 2 倍掛….早知ai佢地請我啦~~~ 不過成日都出事…入去做都係死路一條 🙂 回家收到叻叻的card, 謝謝. 係sms, msn 既年代 (icq 已經被本人放棄了….), physical 收到一張new year card 真的有種窩心的感覺 新年願望….斌仔, 叻叻都有問起…世界和平個d 咁高層次既我就冇XDDDD, 都係身體健康, 工作順利, 開開心心 同埋 xxxxxx 咁lor 🙂
In order to access your mailbox you will need 3 things: An active internet connection (an embarrasing stage to miss sometimes!) The address of a mail server capable of relaying for you – usually provided by your dialup provider (e.g. mail.domain.ext) A valid email address (e.g. [email protected]) The first thing to do is to open a connection from your computer to your mail server. telnet mail.domain.ext 25 You should receive a reply like:
1 2 3 4 |
Trying ???.???.???.???... Connected to mail.domain.ext. Escape character is '^]'. 220 mail.domain.ext ESMTP Sendmail ?version-number?; ?date+time+gmtoffset?? |
You will then need to delcare where you are sending the email from: HELO local.domain.name – dont worry too much about your local domain name although you really should use your exact fully qualified domain name as seen by the outside world the mail server has no choice but to take your word for it as of RFC822-RFC1123. This should give you: 250 mail.domain.ext Hello local.domain.name [loc.al.i.p], pleased to meet you? Now give your email address: MAIL FROM: mail@domain.ext Should yeild: 250 2.1.0 mail@domain.ext... Sender ok If it doesn’t please see? possible problems.Now give the recipients address: RCPT TO: [email protected] Should yeild: 250 2.1.0 mail@otherdomain.ext... Recipient ok If it doesn’t please see possible problems.To start composing the message issue the command DATA? If you want a subject for your email type Subject:-type subject here- then press enter twice (these are needed to conform to RFC 882) You may now proceed to type the body of your message (e.g. hello [email protected] from [email protected]) To tell the mail server that you have completed the message enter a single “.” on a line on it’s own. The mail server should reply with: 250 2.0.0 ???????? Message accepted for delivery? You can close the connection by …
2007年: happy new year ~~~ 終於搞掂 !!! 一個字: 爽 ~~~~