今日好唔開心…………..好唔鍾意自己咁冇用….. 處理了一件麻煩事…. 明天要加點衝勁, 為著以後的路.
因為唔同platfrom… 係linux/max 上可以行既shell script, 係windows 係可以用cygwin 去行 可惜, 如果用 eclipse > ant build , 個ant call *.sh 就出事 寫(translate)左一個好無聊既 batch script (被)玩左一個下午,就係因為唔識寫script, 同埋個help 係 %~dpnI 唔係 %%~dpnI …. 記錄一下
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::-----------------------------------------------------------:: :: CONFIGURATION SCRIPT :: :: Script copies file.type.{DEPLOY} to file.type :: Where {DEPLOY} is one of PRODUCTION|STAGING|QA|INTERNAL|DEV :: :: modify from config.sh to windows environment :: :: Author: Steve Chan steve.chan@pxxxxl.com.au :: $Id: config.bat,v 1.0 2009/01/07 13:24:57 steve Exp $ ::-----------------------------------------------------------:: :: check that we were supplied two parameters @ECHO OFF IF NOT (%1)==() SET DEST=%1 IF NOT (%2)==() SET DEPLOY=%2 ::@ECHO ON ECHO.DIR /b /s %DEST%*.%DEPLOY% :: copy all filenames with extension . to a temporary file DIR /b /s %DEST%\*.%DEPLOY% > tmp.out :: iterate through the filenames and copy to the filename root FOR /f %%I IN (tmp.out) DO ( ECHO.copy: %%I %%~dpnI COPY %%I %%~dpnI ) :: get rid of the temporary file del tmp.out |
part of maven.xml
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<goal name="config"> <echo>CONFIGURATION BUNDLE USED: ${configuration.bundle}</echo> <echo>${configuration.script} ${basedir} ${configuration.bundle}</echo> <!-- distinguish windows environment, using config.bat instead of config.sh --> <!-- orginal script--> <!-- <ant:exec dir="${basedir}" executable="sh"> <ant:arg line="${configuration.script} ${basedir} ${configuration.bundle}"/> --> <ant:condition property="os.windows.family"> <ant:os family="windows"/> </ant> <j:choose> <j:when test="${os.windows.family}"> <ant:exec dir="${basedir}" executable="cmd"> <ant:arg line="/c config.bat ${basedir} ${configuration.bundle}" /> <echo>Windows Environment: config.bat ${basedir} ${configuration.bundle}</echo> </ant:exec> </j:when> <j:otherwise> <ant:exec dir="${basedir}" executable="sh"> <ant:arg line="${configuration.script} ${basedir} ${configuration.bundle}" /> </ant:exec> </j:otherwise> </j:choose> <!-- end modification for windows environment --> </goal> |
上班首兩天, 暫時什麼都唔清楚, 沒有什麼task assigned 主要是set up environment for development, 第一天回到office, 之前收到上司(Gary)既email, 叫我9:30 返, (太早冇人serve我) 基於人生路不熟, 又怕上班時間會塞車, 又唔知泊車個度係點 都係早點出門穩妥一點. 結果….交通非常暢順, 車位雖然不足, 所以就咁泊其他車前面 (到時就會有人黎叫你~) 8:45 就到左….Gary 仲話冇諗過我會咁早出現…. 一埋位, “your computer should be here last week”, 負責既同事又未返, 這裡 xmas 大過天, 就好似中國人過年咁, annual leave (AL)通常會夾埋xmas 放 btw, 23日AL (1st yr), 24(2nd), 25(>=3rd)….. 一年內如果冇放過假, 你既上司會了解下你同encourage 你take AL…. xmas 前好多人shopping, 買present 俾人, prepare party 25/12 所有店會close, 連 24hrs macdonald 都唔開…好似死城咁 26 之後 post-xmas sales, 多d discout, 可以買野俾自己, 個car park滿曬, 要泊出馬路 講遠左…. 唯有睇下doc先, 是但找扮文件睇下, 到10點佢返黎, 話送貨星期五打黎話送唔到黎, 要星期三…. 聽完…心諗…咁我呢2 日做咩好呢… 仲要係xmas 前sign offer letter 個日同我講已經訂左…. 呢度呢人既service 真係…. 多得senior 打電話去complaint, “I don’t care what is your reason, you have violated your service agreement” ….1hr 後就係brisbane ship 左落黎. Interview 既時候問過我係乜野platform 做development, 因為之前都係windows, 就答win 啦 點知… senior 係linux 人, 另一個colleague Justin 用 24″iMac ! 早之我都話用mac 啦 ~~~ 不過…老細姓 bolger, 佢又係 bolger… 有點懷疑 …可能係….. 如果我話mac 會唔會有 24″ iMac 🙂 不過呢間公司都幾dum 本, order 左部 Dell Vostro 420, Quad Processor Q9400, 邊用得著 4個core… 256MB ATI Radeon HD 3650, 又唔打機…. 22″ + 20″ LCD, 1680*1050 x2 = 爽, dev team @glod coast(4個人咁多, 其他係sydney/melbounre) 個個都有2個mon, admin/finance 就有一laptop + 1 pc 係得2GB ram 唔夠lor. 跟住自己setup, install …. change log, bug request, roadmap 之類既doc就幾多, env. setup 就冇…搞死我…join 左domain 又冇admin right, 要到下午4點先有… install 完maven 先發現 version 唔同, 2.0 同 1.1 既command 有好大既分別.. 仲要個repository係去唔到既…. senior 都搞唔掂, send 個email 去melbounre問, 收工 ~ “You should go home, Steve, it’s late” Gary said at 6:05pm… welcome team lunch @ 1st day, 去左間好似pub 既地方, 有pool, 老虎機, 吧台… 食左個fish & chips + beer, 打左一局 pool 都未試過working hour 飲beer ~ 講住咁多先, 好眼訓, day2 明天再講吧 ~ 歡迎大家留comment架, …