因為懷疑 Wireless USB adapter 附送的software 不斷有I/O, (最後證實兇手係jqs.exe) 買了一個wireless router 行wireless bridge mode 取代 usb adapter 條件: 1. 802.11 g / n 2. 有USB port 3. 8 MB flash memory bonus: 1. gigabit ethernet 2. > 32MB ram http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices Linksys WRT350N v1 同 WRT610N 是個很好的選擇, 可惜售價太貴, 所以還是 Asus WL-500W, AUD$109, + $12 shipping [事前必讀] http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Installation#Asus_WL500W 可到google 找多些information 才開始 (其實…..我都係analytics見到不時有人google 而誤入我呢個blog, 我先打算寫返個details d 既記錄) @2009-03-30 wiki 提議用 dd-wrt.v24-11650_NEWD_mega.bin 2008-09 試個 v24 也可. 當然, 有新的firmware 應該/理論上 少些 bugs – platform 小弟不才, 還是windows 比較熟手, 所以在 winxp 上flash. – 事前準備 download firmware: wl500g-clear-nvram.trx wl500g-recover.trx Mini-Asus.trx dd-wrt.v24-11650_NEWD_mini_asus.trx dd-wrt.v24-11650_NEWD_mega.bin install tftp software 1. 保留電腦與500W 的LAN線,移除所有其他的LAN線 2. 停用所有網絡(透過ASUS Firmware Restoration 升級一定要做這個動作) 3. 指定 NIC IP ( 2-254 皆可) subnet mask: (optional) default gateway: (optional) DNS: 4. 開啟Dos (windows key + R) > cmd > ping (optional) 到 5. 先深呼吸, 真正的工作開始了 (著名的 30/30/30 法則) (NB. 1 半年前我試過沒有用 wl500g-clear-nvram.trx , 直接跳去 wl500g-recover.trx, it works 不過穩妥點, 還是 clear nvram ) 按住 restore 按鈕不放 (黑色那個, 不是紅色的), 等待約30秒 將WL-500W 的電源拔掉, 再等待約30秒 (其間依然按住 restore ), 再將電源接上,見到WL-500W 的電源燈閃爍, 等待約30秒, 此時可以放開 restore按鈕 6. 拔掉電源, 按住 restore 按鈕不放, 再將電源接上,見到WL-500W 的電源燈閃爍, 放開 restore按鈕 7. 執行TFTP, PUT wl500g-clear-nvram.trx 到router 8. 等 2-3 mins, 再執行 step 5 & 6 9. TFTP, PUT wl500g-recover.trx 到router 10. 再等 2-3 mins, 執行 step 5 & 6 11. TFTP, PUT Mini-Asus.trx dd-wrt.v24-11650_NEWD_mini_asus.trx 到router 12. 再等 2-3 mins, 執行 step 5 ( step 5 only!) 13. 拔掉電源, 等待數秒, 再將電源接上, 然後到 14. 改password , 再到 administration > firmware upgrade 選擇 dd-wrt.v24-11650_NEWD_mega.bin , 再按 upgrade 此時此刻只有一樣東西可以做, 就是等 !! 300 second …
From: XXX Sent: Wednesday, 1 April 2009 9:41 AM To: +All on Gold Coast Subject: Car-parking Dear All, As you know we seem to have insufficient car spaces for all employees and there is often mayhem with cars parked in all weird and wonderful positions. We have been operating under a system of reserved spaces and I would like to revise the way car-parks are allocated. As you also know the Global and Australian economy has taken a dive and we need to be on the lookout for new revenue opportunities. Considering these issues I propose that from the 1st May we operate a user pays system for the carparking. With the exception of my car space, all spaces will be available to all staff. During April we will conduct an auction on the spaces with each space being allocated to the highest bidder for a period of 6 months. The winner will have unrestricted access to their car space for the 6 month period and the space will then be re-auctioned. The winning bidders will have their bid amount deducted from their monthly salary in 6 equal instalments. In addition to the marked spaces, 6 additional spaces will be marked off giving us a total 18 spaces (including mine) therefore 17 spaces will be available for auction. Cars that do not have an allocated space will need to find off-site parking. Parking on the council owned driveway will not be allowed. I will provide more information on how the …
俾人話我”仲乜咁耐都無新post!”. 唉, 寫野不嬲都唔係我強項, 而且呢家野係要有”感興”先寫架麻. 上個week 咁岩遇到麻煩野, deploy 唔到個application, 搞下搞下就到6:00am, 個一刻就真係好有係廣州既感覺 跟住呢一個week 都係做緊d 善後既工作, 原本既schedule 就delay 到唔知幾時, 個load test 就緊急剎停啦. 望住個calendar 4 月有2 日public holiday, 真係開心 用緊 netgear 既usb wireless, 成日trigger I/O read/write, 忍唔住買左隻 wireless router 做AP 呢個post 係用 zoundry raven 寫, xmlrpc 去 wordpress, 唔使再login 同paste , image又可以upload, 應該會方便d 既 自從聽完朋友仔既 energy in/out balance 之後, 今日卒之走左去跑步, 跑左 20mins 就不行了, 累到X 街, 再同 BOBO 行多20mins, 散曬 ~~ x 街呢家野, 真係要睇場合, 立法會就唔係一個right place