Line Number Sample Value Meaning Line 1 +6.00 Cell size in the X direction Line 2 -0.00 Rotation in the X direction Line 3 -0.00 Rotation in the Y direction Line 4 -6.00 Cell size in the Y direction Line 5 1709053.00 Easting value of insertion point X Line 6 807714.00 Northing value of insertion point Y TIFF World File (TFW) format is supported by ArcView, ArcInfo, MapInfo, and many other programs–such as SMS. TIFF World files are normal TIFF files with an accompanying .twf metadata file. Despite the fact that TWF files are relatively common, the definition of the .twf file has remained obscure. The TFW file contains information about the origin (insertion point) of the image and individual cell size. There is no information on image dimensions (number of rows or columns), units, projection or datum. This additional information must be obtained from the supplied supplementary information, image description or image supplier, in order to create an accompanying .IF file to correctly georeference the image. Typically, a MapInfo or ESRI image file will be stored in a projection such as NAD27 and California State Plane Zone 6. A TFW file normally contains the following information: Line Number Sample Value Meaning Line 1 +6.00 Cell size in the X direction Line 2 -0.00 Rotation in the X direction Line 3 -0.00 Rotation in the Y direction Line 4 -6.00 Cell size in the Y direction Line 5 1709053.00 Easting value of insertion point X Line 6 807714.00 Northing value …
You’ve reached the developer resource center for the Java Studio Creator integrated development environment, a tool you can use for rapid visual web application and portlet development. Java Studio Creator 2 is built on NetBeans 4.1, and includes features like a new set of JavaServer Faces components, support for building JSR-168 portlets, easy access to databases, a streamlined application model, and more. From novice to expert – anyone building web applications can benefit from the high-productivity features available in Java Studio Creator 2.
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